At the stated meeting of Richland Lodge No. 283 held on Monday, May 2, 2022 the brethren honored several members for their long standing service to the Fraternity as men and Masons.
It was a distinct privilege recognizing V∴W∴B∴ Harold Galpin with a certificate and pin in celebration of his 60 years of faithful service to the Fraternity as a Mason and member of the Lodge.
M∴W∴B∴ Bruce Vesper, Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Washington, and V∴W∴B∴ Bruce Slade were recognized for their 45 years of service as Masons and members of the Lodge.
As sitting Master of Richland Lodge No. 283, W∴B∴ Earl Fordham congratulated V∴W∴B∴ Ron Galpin, V∴W∴B∴ Charles Davis, and Brother Greg Galpin on their 35 years of service as Masons and members of the Lodge.
Bro. Kalen Finn, S∴D∴ escorts V∴W∴B∴ Luis Ojeda to the East to be presented with his 10 year service pin by sitting Master W∴B∴ Earl Fordham who also received his 10 year pin.
It is indeed an honor and a privilege to serve with these brothers in building bridges for the future generations of men seeking further light in Masonry.