Frequently Asked Questions
- What are the requirements to join?
- A man, of good repute, and well recommended, 18 or older, living in the state 6 months or more (with military exceptions), recommended by three Masons, no criminal record, and a belief in God. Specifics are listed on the petition for the degrees.
- What is the application process?
- Masons cannot invite you to join, it must be of your own free will. You should visit some lodges and get to know some of the men who are Masons in your area. You must fill out a petition for the degrees and get 3 Mason’s endorsement.
- How long is the application process?
- Once you have submitted a petition to a Lodge, your petition is read at Lodge, a team is assigned to meet with you and your family, the investigation results are read at the next lodge meeting and then a ballot is taken.
- If approved by the members you’ll be assigned a coach and asked to schedule a date for your initiation. This can take weeks or months depending on when Lodge meets.
- After initiation, you will be required to pass a test on what you have learned before proceeding to the next degree.
- Including initiation, there are three degrees.
- Memorization of the rituals will be required to advance through the degrees. Normally, it takes three or more months for you to pass all three degrees and get a good understanding of your obligations.
- What changes on becoming a Mason?
- One reason to become a Mason is to become a better man. You become a better man by becoming more confident, living by the rules of your God, treating all on the level with justice and compassion, and by helping others become wiser and better.
- This takes effort on your part. The symbols of Masonry: the Plumb, Square, and Level continually remind us to live an upright life, be square with our fellow man, and treat all equally.
- How much time is required?
- Becoming a better man takes effort. Nothing realized without effort is truly cherished. It is a life-long task to become better than you were each day. The time and effort required is up to you.
- How long do meetings last?
- Meetings typically last about two hours and include both business and educational content. In some cases there is a social hour before or after the meeting that may or may not include dinner.
- Is Richland Lodge is right for me?
- We encourage you to visit Lodges in our area and ask questions of the Masons you meet. Although you won’t be able to attend meetings until you become a Mason, we have many social events that you and your family may attend. Contact a Mason or a Lodge near you today.