Knights of the North

Laudable Pursuit

At our first stated meeting in March we launched into a series of discussions on the article “Laudable Pursuit” published by the Knights of the North, a group of Masons discussing online, two booklets originally written by PGM Dwight Smith in the early 1960’s

In the years since its publication it has been featured on many websites including the “Freemasons for Dummies” blog hosted by author and Brother Chris Hodapp.

Some of the original “Knights” who contributed to the article went on to write books, form new lodges, and even became the core founders of the Masonic Society.

We’ll continue with part two of our discussion of some of the ideas contained in this publication at our first stated meeting in April. All brothers are invited to join us. A link to copies of the articles that we will be looking at are provided below for your convenience.

Laudable Pursuit: A 21st Century Response to Dwight Smith
– Knights of the North

Whither Are We Traveling?
– Dwight L. Smith, P.G.M.

Why This Confusion In The Temple?
Dwight L. Smith, PGM